Vinta Nanda, the Founder & Managing
Director of the Asian Center for Entertainment Education (ACEE) and The Third
Eye Project, also a prolific film and television producer, director and writer
of popular Indian serials ‘Tara’ and ‘Miilee’, art house film ‘White Noise’
starring Rahul Bose and Koel Purie and several documentary films on compelling
social issues will be a panelist on a plenary session at the World Cancer
Congress 2014, with writers Jennifer Cecil (Private Practice & 90210) from
Hollywood and Kate Bradley (Neighbors & Home and Away) from Australia;
& Kate Langrall Folb, Director, Hollywood Health & Society, Norman Lear
Centre, USC, and Demitrius M. Parkar, Centre for Disease Control (CDC)
To be held in Melbourne Australia, the World
Cancer Congress will be hosted from the 3rd to the 7th of December this year. The
2014 World Cancer Congress theme Joining
Forces - Accelerating Progress will
emphasise the impact that can be realised by consistently and energetically
applying what we know, rather than waiting for possible future
"breakthroughs" to change the landscape. This will be discussed
across a variety of economic and cultural contexts.
The congress is to feature a plenary and
workshop with communities of outreach experts discussing the Power Of
Storytelling in raising awareness on cancer.
workshop will allow participants to:
- Hone their storytelling skills to make presentations more effective
- Learn how to select the important aspects of a particular cancer subject matter for a variety of communication efforts, and how to convey the critical information in a compelling and meaningful way that keeps audiences engaged
- Gain experience by telling their stories and receive feedback from the professionals.
The Third Eye led by Vinta Nanda is a
project which was launched two years ago, in a collaboration between ACEE,
India, and HH&S at the Norman Lear Center, University of Southern
It is a free on demand resource for creative
communities to avail expert information in the field of health, sustainable
development and climate change so as to enrich their content with accurate information
and raise awareness on these issues through their works of entertainment.
The team at present is consulting on the
series Hamari Sister Didi produced by Tony & Deeya Singh for Sony Pal, and
soon to be launched medical drama for the channel LifeOK which is produced by
Sanjay Tripathi and helmed by director Suhail Tatari.
ACEE also conducts exploratory studies and
research to discern existing attitudes and beliefs on social issues and
determines the attitudinal and behavioural impact of the value additions to the
content it is consulting on.
The project engages with creative
communities and leaderships in India through a digital presence on its websites
www. and and helps networks, studios
and producers of the industry of entertainment through consultations and
briefings, to design content promoting best practices among viewers, while
retaining entertainment in the storytelling of popular media.
This is what the leaderships at the Asian
Center for Entertainment had to say, when we met them:
We facilitate a dynamic exchange between the
grassroots, the experts and the creative communities which makes way for
meaningful and enriching stories that empower along-with entertain.
Deepa Bhalerao-Singh, Program Outreach
“I feel that at The Third Eye, we are
creating a model of content creation, audience engagement and research
strategies that will lead to high quality content that impacts audiences and
will benefit all stakeholders present.”
Hans Kapadia, Head of Business Development
and Strategy
“By retaining the entertainment value in
content, we are able to reach out to communities with fluidity and have a
subliminal catalyzing effect on their attitudes and behaviours in a positive
Shiv Bhalla, Creative Director
“Our current challenge lies in convincing
the content leaders of the country to adapt to the changing realities and wield
their power to steer us to a more positive and informed future."
Pratik Punjabi, Director- Content Strategy
Pratik Punjabi, Director- Content Strategy